Wednesday, 16 July 2014

How to Avoid Paying Extra For a Quality Emergency Locksmith Callout in Melbourne

What a lot of companies won't tell you is that their 24 hour service comes with a steep additional fee for calling outside of regular office hours. Likewise, you might be charged extra for the fifteen minute response time that was advertised, despite thinking it was just a benefit of the service. For this convenience, you might encounter unpleasant surcharges that could effectively double the overall rate. Unfortunately, most companies simply hide this information under the heading of 'small surcharge'. While this shady behaviour can't really be labelled a scam because it is technically written in the fine print, it's not far off.

Even a seasoned customer could easily overlook this detail, so make sure that you spell it out. A quote would not necessarily be obligated to include this surcharge, so stipulate that the estimate is inclusive of all additional fees. False advertising only works on those who aren't prepared to determine exactly what it is that they are getting. Compare this quote to other advertised figures out there to make sure that it is within the normal parameters. It is astounding how many customers forget to even ask for a quote in the first place. Granted, you may be in a hurry in an emergency situation, but this is just the thing that many companies take advantage of. If no ballpark figure has been agreed upon, then there is nothing to stop them from charging twice or even three times the proper amount with nothing that you can do.

Unfortunately, there is an abundance of these sneaky tricks that exists in the emergency security industry, as these are the times when customers are most vulnerable. When you find you've been locked out, it is easy to feel helpless, but take a minute to assess the situation and find a reliable service. Only when you are facing a bill with several zeroes on the end for unlocking a door will you know what feeling truly helpless is like.

Any wild fees should be an immediate warning sign that perhaps this company isn't as honest as it claims to be. Likewise, be scrutinising of ridiculously low offers of a couple of dollars advertised on the internet. Hiring a reputable company is especially important when it comes to home security, because the last thing that you want is an untrustworthy stranger who has access to your home and knows your locks. There is a common scam which has gained popularity recently where unqualified 'locksmiths'  purposely break a device which was repairable, and then charge for the more expensive replacement. You are completely at their mercy, because you don't want to be left with broken devices or no locks at all. Even if you suspect foulplay, unfortunately there is not a whole lot that you can do once the damage is done.

The best idea then, is to determine a reputable business before it comes a time when you desperately need assistance. Do your research in advance, and once you are satisfied then you can keep the number handy for use in an emergency situation. Asking plenty of questions will also help you to stay informed, and it will be obvious to scammers that you are switched on. Anyone who is a member of the Master Locksmiths Association of Australia should be trustworthy. If you wouldn't have a clue where to start in finding a good company, the team at Expert Locksmiths in Melbourne CBD has decades of experience and a loyal following behind them, and can be found at

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